Road Building
We offer a versatile and cost-effective solution for improving road building, from planning and construction to monitoring and maintenance. Our drones fly over proposed sites to assess all environmental factors such as slope stability, erosion, and the presence of sensitive habitats or protected species. By automating surveying, drones can reduce the time and resources required for road construction projects.
We can monitor progress and detect any deviations from the planned route or specifications. This allows project managers to assess the work site remotely and identify any issues that need to be addressed. We conduct safety inspections of the site, identifying potential hazards such as unstable slopes, danger trees, and other unsafe working conditions. This helps improve worker safety and reduces the risk of accidents. Once the road is built, we can monitor the condition for needed maintenance. We can identify areas of erosion, vegetation encroachment, or damage caused by weather events for maintenance crews to prioritize repairs effectively.